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February 18, 2021

 Avada Features

Avada comes with an incredible list of features. The developers did an excellent job of expanding on the basic WordPress features to cover nearly any website scenario, making Avada a highly versatile theme.

The full list of features is way too long to include in this article, but here are the most important ones:

40 website templates that can be imported quickly and easily

A tool for creating personalized pages with a vast selection of elements

Premium high-performance plugins, including ACF Pro, Slider Revolution, ConvertPlus, LayerSlider and more

Easy-to-add image galleries of various styles

Video backgrounds for full-width containers

Side navigation (on the left or right instead of just in the header)

Ability to configure the background opacity of headers with independent widths

Customizable background colors and images for each column, article and page

Ability to blur background images and make them fade in and out as the user scrolls

Publication tool portfolio, testimonials and ratings

Built-in styles for popular plugins (WooCommerce and Gravity Forms)


Avada control panel d'options

Control panel

Obviously, you won’t want to use the demo exactly as it is for your own website. You’ll need to access the theme option control panel to begin personalizing its appearance and features.

options thème Avada

As you can see, the theme option control panel has a huge number of options. It’s a lot to deal with at first, but bear in mind that, the more familiar you become with it, the more you’ll understand exactly what each of these options does.

The Avada Fusion Page Buildera

Avada comes with its own content generation tool (also called a “website builder”), which can be used to create your articles and pages.

Avada Fusion Builder

This tool has a very intuitive interface. The first step is to choose a column layout. Once you’ve done that, you can start filling your page with various types of content. You’ll be able to insert many different elements from the builder into your page layout and then personalize them according to your needs.

fusion builder features

With the Fusion Builder tool, you’ll be able to do a lot when it comes to your page layouts. Unlike the basic WordPress editor with its numerous constraints, the Fusion Builder tool allows you to add elements to each column and line so you can build rich pages.

While you won’t have access to a live preview of the frontend visuals, you’ll have no problem previewing your article or page like you would if you were using the standard WordPress theme.

In the builder, you can also save the page layouts you create so you can reuse them, or you can apply one of the available predefined page layouts.

Article and page options

With Fusion Builder, the articles and pages also have a new option panel under the main editor, allowing you to personalize their appearance and features individually.

Page and post options

These options cover a wide range of parameters, such as adding background images, configuring the header display, determining what sidebars to use and much more.

Your selections will only apply to the individual articles or pages you’re working on. This gives you a lot of flexibility with regard to the appearance of the various elements and content of your website.

Other Avada options, parameters and features

Just like the article and page options, the personalized types of articles that Avada uses—portfolios and FAQs—each have their own sets of options, not to mention their own categorization module to help you organize them more efficiently.

Avada also gives you the possibility of creating several sidebar zones, which can then be displayed on one or more pages of your website. This gives you total control over the widgets that will be displayed beside each type of content.

Besides all that, you’ll have access to the premium LayerSlider WP and Revolution Slider plugins to add very interesting visuals to your homepage and other pages. Each of these plugins is valued between $18 and $19.

This is the EXACT same theme as distributed by the developer on HappyThemes. The developers’ links are provided above.


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