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January 31, 2021

Multi WebView App + Admin Panel Source Code


Multi WebView App + Admin Panel Source Code is a versatile application running on the Android stage utilized for multi-web see the application and is viable with Android 4.2 or more. 

Multi WebView App + Admin Panel Source Code
Multi WebView App + Admin Panel Source Code

You can transform your site into a versatile local application. You can oversee limitless clients and unlimited sites per client. Every client can deal with their site from the client board, and the overseer can deal with all the clients and locations from the organization board. 

The capacity to send pop-up messages and Google AdMob settings are likewise remembered for the administrator board. With a unique and responsive administrator board, you can oversee limitless clients and sites. 

This application was made by Android Studio for the customer side and afterward PHP MySQLi (Codeigniter) for the administrator side. Run under the Android stage, which is the most well-known working framework on the planet. With this application, you can set aside cash and time in making an application for your site. 

Notice: For every site you made on the administrator board, you need to make another Android venture and change the bundle name. Additionally, Firebase, OneSignal, and AdMob settings should be arranged separately. 

[Multi WebView App + Admin Panel Source Code Features] 

Interpersonal organization Sign-In and Sign-Up. (Google and Facebook) 

The expectation for WhatsApp, Telegram, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Email, SMS, Call. 

Handle Javascript Alert on Website. 

Open Specific Link On Phone Browser. 

Progressbar to Show Loading Website. 

Intuitive HTML (Vibration, Toast, Snackbar, Play Mp3, Push Notification) 

Organization Check Listener. 

Change Application Color From Admin Panel. 

The APK Size is Only 3 MB. 

Security proGuard and minifyEnabled. 

RTL Mode (for both android and administrator side). 

Multi-Languages (for both android and administrator side). 

Full User Manual (Video and Article). 

Multi WebView With One Admin Panel. 

Oversee and Config Everything You Need From Admin Panel. 

Staggered Admin Panel (super administrator, administrator, representative, client). 

Clients Can Manage Their Websites. 

Administrator Can Manage Users and Websites. 

Google AdMob (Banner and Interstitial promotions). 

Empower/Disable AdMob From Admin Panel. 

OneSignal Push Notification Per Website (send utilizing administrator or client board). 

Every User Can Send Push Notification to Specific Website. 

Google Firebase Analytics. 

Transfer and Download Listener.

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